our friendship is broken by 2 of us. the initials are S and T.
S was the closest friend of me. she was my chairmate for 2 years in school. we used to call each other as solomete (soulmate).
so hurts to realized that we were not close as we used to in this year :'(
we are not a chairmate anymore. its because this early year she has a new boyfriend. i dont hate him in personality but i hate the way he took away my best friend. u would hate ur friend's bf too if u were in my position right?
after their relationship my friend rarely joined with us. chillin, laughin and being crazy together. this last 3 months was my hardest time ever in school.
we decided to keep away from her to make her realized that she was too far from us. now isnt like the past, we're apart :'(
but our planned wasnt like what we thought before. the war has just been made by us. we're like enemy now. i even havent say hi to her for 3 days. its sad if i think the previous moment we have done :(( there was a lot memorable moment. she's made my days in school brighter. she is pretty girl outside but crazy inside. thats why we missed her.
i missing u S and i hope u can understand
T isnt my best friend but she was part of us. she moved from Jakarta 1,5 years ago. she wanted to be our friend and she joined with us. but i thought ive never connected (?) *nyambung* with her.
there are so many bad habit she has and i dont like them. i feel awkward everytime i talk to her. and the worst is she always makes toubles between our friendship. thats why i dislike her.
when me and my friends acted jerk to S we decided to acted same to T and she got mad too.
we have a desk in class. we called it 'meja curhatan' cause we like to scribbled on it. then i found out that T has written a message to me on it. it said:
" a true best friend wouldnt be an instigator" and " i hate person who act like a boss. do u think who u are? u are just like a freaks girl in my eyes"
so, who's not feel mad if someone who even dont know u at all said like that to u. now i hate her from head to toe. i replied her message like: " im not ur best friend" and " shut the fuck up you bitch!!! big fat freaky girl"
i know it was rude but i couldnt control emotion when i read it. she thought that i was the leader who made the plan to hating her.
actually i didnt want to start a war in early. i dont wanna spend my last time in school with hating anyone but it happened so fast. i cant handle that time :(
at least if we cant be a friend anymore all i want is she and me arent foes.
i dont wanna have enemies and i dont wanna be a hater. just shit people do hate each other and im not one of them.
Friends, do u still remember the moments when we still together? after all we've been through how could u be so heartless to forget them all :((
if i could wishing to the stars i wish we can fix the broken in our friendship :)
type here always make me feel a little bit relief. i hope i still can have people who really care with me. not those who pretending care with me first then left me at last.
best regards,