Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Another Happy Day's Coming!

Today is my bless day. Although I always dissatisfied about getting older but since it’s the state to be grown up which I need to get through, I’ll accept it cooly. Since morning there are many wishes came from closest people and I felt bless to have so many friends care about me. I hope from getting older (well, I know from someone to not to say it old but ‘classic’) I will get wiser and not so doubtful from anything I do since I easily change my mind.

Well, birthday is not so freaking-out moment if you feel blessed. I’m very grateful for living until twenty years and I thankful to God for blessing my healthy life. And also everything that I already had and going to reach, I hope this year could be a better year for me. A new life beginning J

Anyway, I interested to study Japanese lately. I think it’s a bit hard compared to study Korean because there are 3 ways different writing. Hiragana and Katakana are already hard to memorize. I don’t think Kanji will… well, since I’m a beginner I really anticipating for the moment when I’m able to understand a whole sentence written in Hiragana or Katakana. Kanji… let’s see if I get a good progress. Honestly, I haven’t done with Korean. How can I expect for more language?

Thank you for everyone who already blesses me with their wishes the whole day. Even Google greet Happy Birthday for me! I hope future will be brighter for all of us. God bless and have a nice birthday moment for all of you who born in the same date with me. Happy 4th December!


“Cha! Happy birthday.”
Larissa terkesiap karena seseorang berteriak keras dan memeluknya tiba-tiba dari belakang. Larissa, atau yang biasa dipanggil Icha oleh teman-temannya, menoleh dan mendapati orang yang mengejutkannya adalah sahabatnya, Andien.
Icha melepaskan diri dari pelukan erat Andien dan menepuk dahi sahabatnya itu dengan kesal. “Bukan sekarang, keles.”
Andien tertawa. “Ya elah. Besok, sekarang, sama aja, sih. Lo kan tau gue paling nggak bias begadang. Jadi gue nggak bakal ngucapin jam dua belas nanti.”
Larissa mencibir dan lanjut menyantap nasi gorengnya. Sementara Gladis yang sedari tadi memperhatikan kedua sahabatnya hanya terkikik pelan. Andien langsung ambil tempat di samping Icha seraya menyeruput minuman di atas meja tanpa tahu siapa pemiliknya.
“Eh, betewe, lo udah dua puluh, Cha. DUA PULUH!” kata Gladis menekankan angka dua puluh pada kalimatnya. Angka yang akhir-akhir ini terdengar tidak bersahabat di telinga Icha.
“Kamfer! Biasa aja kali ngomong “dua puluh” –nya,” cibir Icha.
Andien dan Gladis tertawa berbarengan.
“Itu juga udah biasa, Cha. Lo-nya aja yang sensi tiap kali mau ulang tahun,” lanjut Gladis.
Icha berdecak sambil mengaduk-aduk sedotan dalam gelas es jeruknya. “Iya, nih. Sebel. Gue tu paling males kalo udah masuk bulan ini. Gue males kalo nginget-nginget umur gue nambah dan… berati, gue nambah tua. Plis deh!”
“Syndrom menua ada kali, ya,” kata Andien menimpali sambil memutar bola mata. “Lebay, lo! Ya, mau gimana lagi, coba? Semua orang kan pasti tambah tua, Cha.”
Icha tidak menanggapi. Sebenarnya pembicaraan tentang ulang tahun dan tambah umur adalah hal yang selalu ia hindari setiap masuk bulan ulang tahunnya.
“Eh, Cha. Sekarang kan lo udah dua puluh, tuh. Kapan mau berenti single?” Tanya Gladis sambil terkikik.
“Iya, sih, Cha. Single sih pilihan. Tapi kalo keeterusan jadi kutukan, kali,” timpal Andien yang dibalas lemparan tisyu dari Icha.
“Sialan, lo! Nyumpahin gue?”
Andien dan Gladis tertawa lagi. “Ya, nggak gitu… Tapi sekarang kan lo udah mulai menapaki masa dimana pendewasaan diri. Nyoba untuk cari pasangan nggak ada salahnya, kali,” ucap Andien.
“Iya, Cha. Okelah kalo lo nganggep pacaran tu malesin. Lo lebih asyik sendiri karena bebas. Tapi, someday, lo bakal tetep nemuin pasangan, kan? Nggak ada salahnya nemuin kriteria yang pas dari sekarang,” tambah Gladis.
“Well, the only question is, lo nggak mau punya cowok, tapi mau punya suami, kan?”

Icha memang agak berbeda dari teman-temannya yang lain. Diantara puluhan temannya, rasanya cuma Icha yang belum pernah pacaran seumur hidupnya. Dan sekarang, dalam hitungan jam, umurnya akan bertambah menjadi dua puluh.
Pertanyaan Andien dan Gladis soal “Icha mau punya suami, kan?” tentu akan dijawab “ya” olehnya. Icha memang tidak tertarik dengan pacaran yang menurutnya nggak menjamin apa-apa. Tapi kalau untuk suami, tentu aja Icha mau. Somebody’s gotta doubt her as a normal girl kalau sampai jawabannya “nggak”.
Icha nggak memungkiri, pacaran (atau perkenalan) sebelum memilih pasangan untuk jadi pendamping hidup itu penting. Mungkin, someday, Icha juga mau pacaran. Tapi dari pengalaman-pengalaman orang sekitar yang ia lihat dan dengar soal pacara selama ini cuma hal-hal yang sebenarnya nggak penting . yang tentunya nggak akan dialami sama orang yang single.
Kalau ditanya apa Icha punya kriteria calon pacar yang ia mau sebenarnya nggak terlalu spesifik. Tapi Icha benci banget sama cowok over protective. Sedangkan selama ini banyak keluhan temen-temennya tentang pasangannya yang over protective. It’s one of reasons kenapa Icha nggak mau pacaran. Icha benar-benar nggak perlu cowok kayak gitu, karena setiap hari udah ada dua orang yang selalu over protective. Mama dan Papa-nya.
Well, just think about it. Kadang care sama perhatian yang lebay itu emang beda tipis. Apalagi kalo perhatiannya sampe sms atau telepon tiap menit untuk ngingetin; jangan lupa makan, Jangan lupa mandi, jangan lupa minum obat, jangan lupa tidur. Hello! Icha piker itu pertanyaan paling aneh diantara orang pacaran. Hal-hal kayak gitu Icha rasa nggak perlu untuk diingetin. Kalau Icha sampai lupa hal-hal tersebut, dia nggak akan hidup sampai sekarang. Buktinya tanpa harus diingetin pacar, Icha nggak pernah lupa makan, mandi, apalagi tidur. Apalagi kalau udah nagging. Even she didn’t wanna think about having a boyfriend who likes to nags her.
Sebenarnya Icha lebih suka liat-liat cowok bad boy, yang nggak pernah repot merhatiin dengan kata-kata tapi perbuatan. Kalau memang perhatian tunjukin dengan perbuatan. Bukan cuma nanya-nanya lewat sms. Somehow, Icha ngerasa cowok bad boy lebih charming. Itu emang bener, atau Icha kebanyakan nonton film?

Sudah jadi kebiasaan Icha untuk nge-blog di malam sebelum hari ulang tahunnya. Jadi Icha menyalakan laptop-nya dan mulai mengetik. Besok adalah hari ulang tahunnya yang ke dua puluh. Dan dari pembicaraannya tadi siang dengan dua sahabatnya, Icha jadi tergelitik untuk memikirkan siapa cowok yang suatu saat bakal jadi pendamping hidupnya. jadi, Icha mulai menulis tentang itu.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m turning twenty. But suddenly I feel curious about who will be my spouse in the future. Well, I don’t like talking about boys and I’m not interested to have any relationship with them. At least for now. But, still… how can I not think about it when my ages always getting older every year. I just wonder, where will I meet him? When? In what situation? Is he exactly like I want him to be? Is he appears as my typical? Have I ever meet him in my twenty years of life? Although I don’t need to know now, I really wish somebody could give me the answers.

Icha terbangun dari tidurnya dan langsung memikirkan apa yang baru saja ada di mimpinya. Icha mengingat-ingat walau tidak sepenuhnya ingat. Icha yakin ia baru saja memimpikan sosok yang sama sekali belum pernah ia temui. Ia yakin tidak mengenal cowok itu.
Mimpinya benar-benar aneh. Icha ingat ia mimpi baru saja masuk ke sebuah universitas. Ia tidak yakin tapi ia tahu ia bukan baru kenal dengan cowok yang duduk disampingnya di dalam kelas tersebut. Dan cukup melihat gelagatnya, Icha tahu cowok itu menyukainya.
Icha tidak bias mengingat wajahnya dengan jelas. Mungkin karena ia memang belum  pernah bertemu dengan cowok itu di kehidupan nyata. Tetapi ia yakin, cewek manapun yang melihatnya pasti mengatakan kalau cowok itu good looking. Walaupun sebenarnya his appearance is not her type. Icha nggak bias menggambarkan satu per satu kejadian dalam mimpi itu. Tapi mereka cuma bertemu di dalam kelas selama dua kali dan cowok itu selalu ambil tempat di sampinya. Padahal Icha yakin ada satu cewek di dalam kelas itu yang selalu nempel dengan cowok itu. Tapi cowok itu tidak pernah menghiraukannya. Yang ia lihat cuma Icha.
Perlakuan cowok itu terhadap Icha juga sangat baik. Ia sangat memerhatikan Icha. Sesuai dengan yang Icha inginkan. Tindakan, bukan ucapan.  Dia bahkan mau dimintai tolong untuk mengerjakan soal yang sulit bagi Icha. Icha sendiri tidak begitu menanggapi. Bukannya jual mahal, tapi dikehidupan nyata Icha memang tidak terlalu menanggapi cowok yang modus padanya. Jadi, Icha tidak terlalu ambil pusing dengan cowok yang satu itu.
Ada satu hal yang unik dimana Icha melihat cowok itu bukan tipe bad-boy yang selalu ia idamkan. Dia cowok baik yang, somehow, masuk dalam kriteria cowok idaman Icha.Mungkin apa yang orang bilang tentang cowok "bad-boy itu bukan buat didapatkan, tapi cuma untuk dikagumi" itu benar.

Tapi ada hal aneh dalam mimpi tersebut. Pertama, Icha mahasiswi semester 5, bukannya freshman seperti yang ada di mimpi itu. Kedua, Icha ada dikampus yang mayoritas berbeda agama dengannya, dan cowok itu juga termasuk bagian dari agama tersebut. Kenapa? Kenapa Icha mendapat mimpi semacam ini di malam ulang tahunnya yang ke dua puluh. Tepat setelah Icha memikirkan keinginannya untuk bertemu dengan laki-laki yang kelak akan menjadi pasangan hidupnya.

Rabu, 20 November 2013

Scarlet Letter

Hari ini aku akan membuktikan bahwa seorang pria dan wanita ditakdirkan menjadi satu. Bahwa mereka adalah satu. Bahkan bagi yang terlemah sekalipun.
Hari ini aku akan mengganti nama belakangku untuk selamanya. Dua hati yang akan bersatu. Dua tubuh menjadi satu. Mulai sekarang, aku adalah Sara…

Aku menatap kosong pada kertas berisi tulisan tangan kakakku. Tulisan dengan tinta merah tua itu belum sepenuhnya selesai ditulis. Tulisan itu pasti menjadi aktivitas terakhir kakakku sebelum tubuhnya ditemukan tak sadarkan diri dikamarnya. Tepat pagi hari sebelum upacara pernikahannya berlangsung.
Kakakku, Sara Janet Johnson, mengidap penyakit jantung sejak usianya dua belas tahun. Dokter selalu mengatakan pada kami bahwa umurnya tidak akan lama lagi. Tetapi ia terus hidup hingga tiga belas tahun kemudian dan menemukan seorang calon pendamping hidup.
Aku mendongak dan melihat dari kejauhan, Dave Stuart tengah meraung dan mengamuk setelah mendengar pernyataan dokter bahwa Sara tidak dapat bertahan lebih lama lagi. Hal itu tidak berlebihan, bukan? Bagaimana mungkin dokter memvonis kematian calon istrimu tepat di hari seharusnya pernikahan kalian berlangsung?
Aku melipat kertas di tanganku dan memasukkannya ke dalam saku. Aku memandang berkeliling dan mendapati beberapa anggota keluarga masih terisak. Aku mendesah pelan, bangkit, dan berjalan menuju kamar Sara. Sara masih belum sadarkan diri dan tidak boleh diganggu oleh siapapun. Aku hanya bisa melihatnya terbaring lemah dari kaca jendela.
Sejak kecil Sara mempercayai dongeng tentang sepasang manusia yang dikemudian hari akan disatukan oleh waktu. Ia juga mempercayai mimpi setiap orang akan terwujud. Seharusnya hari ini adalah giliran mimpi-mimpinya terwujud.
Dave mengalami kecelakaan parah sepulangnya ia dari rumah sakit tadi malam. Mobil hitam yang dikendarainya tidak sengaja menabrak sisi lain pembatas jalan dan mengakibatkan bagian depan mobilnya hancur. Keadaan Dave tidak baik. Dokter bilang ia kehilangan banyak darah.
Aku kembali ke kamar Sara dengan langkah gontai. Saat tiba di kamar Sara, aku mendapati ia telah sadarkan diri. Ibu tengah berdiri di sisi tempat tidurnya dengan wajah sendu. Kulihat Sara menampakkan ekspresi yang sedikit kacau. Kurasa Ibu telah mengatakan apa yang terjadi pada Dave.
Ketika aku tiba di sisi lain tempat tidur Sara, mata sendunya langsung menatap lekat ke arahku.
“Apa dia baik-baik saja?”
Tentu saja tidak. Aku menghela napas dalam.
“Biarkan aku menemuinya sekarang,” kata Sara dengan mata berkaca-kaca.
            Ibu menggenggam tangan Sara lebih erat. “Tidak, Nak. Kau harus tetap disini. Kau masih harus banyak istirahat.”
            Sara terisak pelan. Aku menggenggam tangannya yang sebelah lagi.
            “Semua akan baik-baik saja. Kuharap begitu…”
Aku tengah membaca majalah fesyen minggu ini ketika seorang dokter dan dua perawat masuk. Sudah waktunya pemeriksaan dan minum obat. Aku mengawasi gerak-gerik mereka dengan tatapan sinis. Sungguh memuakkan. Mereka bilang Sara tidak akan selamat. Tetapi mereka terus saja mencekokinya dengan obat-obatan tidak berguna itu.
Setelah pemeriksaan usai, dokter itu melepaskan kacamatanya dan tersenyum tipis pada Sara.
“Kami akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan jantung baru yang cocok denganmu,” kata dokter.
Aku terkejut. Begitupun Ayah dan Ibu.
“Benarkah?” tanya Sara. “Itu artinya aku masih memiliki harapan untuk hidup?”
Dokter itu tersenyum lagi. “Kudengar akan ada donor jantung yang masuk. Memang belum pasti. Tapi kita semua masih bisa berdoa.”
Aku tercenung sejenak. Pikiranku terus beputar, mencerna kalimat dokter tersebut. Selanjutnya aku, Ibu, dan Ayah saling bertukar pandang. Saat dokter dan dua susternya akan pergi, Ayah bangkit dan menghampiri mereka.
“Permisi, Dok. Aku ingin bicara denganmu.”
Mereka pergi keluar sementara aku dan Ibu masih saling tatap sampai kudengar Sara memanggilku.
“Alice, antarkan aku ke kamar Dave. Aku harus memberitahu kabar gembira ini padanya.”
Ibu Dave mambukakan pintu kamar untuk kami. Wajahnya terlihat kacau. Matanya bengkak akibat terlalu banyak menangis. Tetapi ia tetap memaksakan seulas senyum pada Sara.
“Masuklah. Aku akan segera kembali,” katanya sambil berlalu melewati kami.
Aku mendorong masuk kursi roda Sara mendekat ke tempat tidur dimana Dave terbaring tidak berdaya. Tubuh laki-laki itu dipenuhi alat bantu. Aku tahu, tidak mudah bagi Sara untuk menyaksikan hal ini.
Terdengar isakan pelan Sara. Hanya sejenak. Sara berusaha keras untuk menguatkan diri. Ia menggenggam lembut tangan Dave yang terbalut perban dan selang infus.
“Jangan khawatir, Dave. Sebentar lagi aku akan sembuh. Kaupun harus begitu. Sebentar lagi kita akan menjadi satu,” kata Sara dengan suara bergetar.
Sara menarik tanganku tanpa mengalihkan tatapannya dari Dave.
“Apa benar tadi malam Dave siuman?” tanyanya sendu.
Aku mengangguk pelan. Ya, yang kudengar begitu. Dave sempat mengatakan sesuatu yang membuat Ibunya menangis semalaman.
Sara baru sadarkan diri lima belas jam pasca operasinya berhasil. Ia mengerjap beberapa kali dan menatap berkeliling.
“Dimana Ayah dan Ibu?” tanyanya ketika tidak mendapati siapapun kecuali aku.
“Mengunjungi Dave,” jawabku berusaha jujur.
“Dave? Benar. Aku harus menemui Dave. Aku harus memberitahunya bahwa operasinya berhasil.”
Sara berusaha bengkit tetapi aku menahan gerakannya. “Kau masih harus istirahat.”
“Kumohon. Aku ingin mengatakan kabar gembira ini padanya.”
Aku hampir saja gagal menghalangi Sara kalau saja dokter dan suster tidak datang untuk memeriksa kondisi Sara. Setelah selesai, dokter memintaku ikut ke ruangannya untuk membicarakan beberapa hal. Dokter mengatakan beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan dan dihindari Sara selama masa pemulihan. Tetapi aku tidak sepenuhnya mendengarkan karena aku terus mengkhawatirkan Sara yang tadi kutinggalkan sendirian di kamar. Sialnya, aku lupa menjauhkan kursi roda dari sisi tempat tidur.
Setengah berlari aku kembali ke kamar Sara dan tidak mendapati dirinya disana. Sudah kuduga. Aku segera pergi ke tempat dimana Sara pasti berada.
Langkahku melambat ketika melihat Sara terdiam di depan kamar Dave. Aku perlahan mendekat. Mata Sara menatap kosong pada kamar yang sudah tidak berpenghuni itu. Dengan hati-hati kuletakkan tanganku di pundak Sara. Saat itulah tangisannya pecah. Ia menangis keras sambil memukul-mukulkan tinjunya ke dada.
“Kenapa dia pergi meninggalkanku?” sesal Sara diantara isak tangisnya.
Aku membungkuk dan menggeleng. “Tidak, Sara. Dia tidak pergi. Dia ada disini.” Aku meletakkan telapak tanganku di dada Sara dan melanjutkan, “selamanya.”
Sebagian orang berpikir mimpinya tidak pernah terwujud. Tanpa mereka sadari mimpi itu terwujud dengan cara yang berbeda. Seperti Sara, yang telah mewujudkan mimpinya meskipun dengan cara yang diluar dugaan.

Pada akhirnya Sara bersatu dengan cinta sejatinya. Meskipun tubuh Dave terkubur di bawah pusara yang kering, tetapi jantungnya terus berdetak untuk Sara. Memompa darah keseluruh tubuh, dan memberi kehidupan bagi Sara. Mereka tidak akan pernah terpisah. Karena Dave akan hidup selamanya di dalam diri Sara.

Scarlet Letter (English Vers.)

Today I will prove the world, that a man and a woman are destined to become one. That they are one. Even for the weakest one.Today I will change my last name forever. Two hearts will become one. Two body will never be apart. From now on, I’m Sara…

I stared blankly at the paper which had the handwritten of my sister on it. Those scarlet colored text has not completely done yet. It must be the last thing that my sister did before her body founded unconscious in her room. Right in the morning, before her wedding ceremony will be held.
My sister, Sara Janet Johnson, has heart disease since twelve. Doctor used to say that she would no longer live. But she still alive until thirteen years later and found someone she loved the most.
I looked up and saw from far away, Dave Stuart was roaring furiously after hearing doctor said that Sara won’t live any longer. It’s not too much, is it? How could he state those kinds of things about your bride right at the day your wedding should be held?
I folded the paper in my hand and put it inside my pocket. I looked around and figured out some family members were still sobbing. I sighed, stand up, and walked slowly to Sara’s room. Sara hasn’t awake and can’t be disturbed by anyone yet.
Sara has believed in fairytale since she was a kid. About a pair of mans which will be met by times someday. She also believed everyone’s dreams will become true. Today should be the turn for her dreams to become true.
Dave got a serious accident after going back from hospital last night. The black car he was ridden accidentally bumped to another side of street restraint and smashed its front side. He is not okay. Doctor said he lacked a lot of blood.
I came back to Sara’s room with heavy steps. As I got into the room, I found that she has conscious. Mom was standing beside her bed rest with sad expression all over her face. I saw Sara looked a bit messy. I think Mom had said what had happened to Dave.
When I reached another side of the bed, her eyes were observed intently to me.
 “Is he alright?”
Of course not. I sighed deeply.
 “Let me meet him right now,” Sara cried with teary eyes.
Mom held her hand tightly. “You can’t, Sweetheart. You need to stay here. You should rest more.”
            Sara was sobbing quietly. I gripped her other hand.
 “Everything will be alright. I hope so…”
I was just reading a weekly fashion magazine when a doctor and two nurses came in. It’s time to checkup and takes the medicines. I watched their moves intently with scornful gaze. This is so frustrating. They said Sara won’t be able to alive. But they keep feed her up with those un-useful medicines.
After the checkups, the doctor took his glasses off and smiled to Sara.
 “We will try our best to get you a new heart that will suit you well,” he said.
I surprised. Either Mom and Dad.
 “Really?” Sara asked. “Is that means there’s still a chance for me to be alive?”
The doctor smiled again. “I heard there will be a new stock of heart. Well, although still unsure, but we all still can pray for it.”
I freezed for a moment. My mind blowing, try to understand his words. Furthermore, Mom, Dad, and I exchange look for seconds. When the doctor ready to go, Dad stands and approached them.
 “Excuse me, Doc. I need to talk to you.”
They went outside while Mom and I still seeing each others, stunning, until Sara’s voice calling me.
 “Alice, could you accompany me to Dave’s room? I gotta tell this good news to him.”
Dave’s Mom opened the door for us. Her face looked horrible. Her eyes were swollen causes too much crying. But she still tried to give a glance smile to Sara.
 “Come in. I’ll be back soon,” she said and passed us by.
I pushed her chair wheel closer to the bed where Dave was lying down unconsciously. His body fully connected to some wires I don’t have idea what for. I know it’s not easy for Sara to see all of this.
There’s sobbing sounds of Sara. Just a while. Sara tried her best not to break down at that moment. She held Dave’s hand softly, which was wrapped with bandage and infuse.
 “Don’t worry, Dave. I will recover soon. You should too. Later, we will be together,” Sara said with stutter voice.
Sara pulled my hand without shifting her gaze on him.
 “Is it right he was conscious last night?”
I nodded quietly. Yes, that’s what I heard. Dave had even something to say which made her mother cried a whole night.
Sara had just conscious fifteen minutes after the operation succeeded. She blinked several times and looked around.
 “Where’s Mom and Dad?” she asked as she couldn’t find anybody except me.
 “They pay visited to Dave,” I answered, tried to tell the truth.
 “Ah, Dave? You right! I need to meet him. I gotta tell him the operation had successfully done.”
Sara tried to get up but I hold her back. “You still need some rest.”
 “Oh, c’mon. Please. I want to share this good news.”
I had almost failed to block Sara if a doctor and a nurse not come over to check her condition. After checking, doctor asked me to come to his room to talk some things. Doctor told some things that Sara needs to dos and don’ts during the recovery. But I couldn’t fully concentrate to what he had said because I worried about Sara who left alone at her room right now. Unfortunately, I forgot to keep the chair wheel away from her.
Almost running, I got back to the room and couldn’t find her there. Exactly like what I guessed before. I rushed to the place where I absolutely could find her.
I slower my steps when I saw Sara freezed in front of Dave’s room. I approached slowly. Her eyes stared blankly at the empty room. Carefully, I put my hand on her shoulder. And she was bursting. She cried and hit her chest several times.
 “Why’d he leave me?” Sara said crying.
I bended down and shake my head. “No, Sara. He’s not gone. He’s still here.” I put my palm on her chest and continued, “forever.”
Some people think their dreams would never become true. Without them knowing, the dreams become reality with different ways. As Sara, who has brought her dream into reality through an unexpected way though.

At last, Sara had become one with her lover. Although Dave’s body had grounded below the dry grave, but his heart will always keep beating for Sara. Pumping bloods to all over her body and brought lives to her. They will never be apart. Because Dave will lives forever, inside her.

Jumat, 06 September 2013

Why Am I learning Korean?

I've just scrolling on my facebook page when I found the article titled... 

Author: Sun Hyun-woo                                                           
Photos by: James Kim

If you ask people “Why are you learning Korean?” or “Why do you want to learn Korean?” the answers will vary: Some might want to learn because they love K-pop, some want to communicate with Korean friends or family, while others live in Korea and feel it would be useful to speak more Korean instead of relying on English all the time. Whatever the reason may be, and no matter how impossible it may seem, as long as you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and apply some intrinsic motivation, you will succeed.

What I’ve found most interesting is that the more clear-cut a person’s reason or goal for learning Korean, or any language, the more likely they are to learn successfully. Learning a language without pinpointing a specific reason is certainly possible, but without a big picture, vision or clear purpose in mind, other things will get in the way and it will never be a top priority. This is a very common problem that I see among Korean people who want to learn English; they feel the need to learn English “just because” — just because everyone else is learning it or just because they feel it will be useful one day. Such a vague goal only hinders the learning experience, causing a lack of motivation, which leads to never learning to read or speak.

Everyone learns an incredible amount of new things every day. Some things are simpler and quicker to learn than others, and some are more complicated subjects that can take years of learning and practice. For certain things, such as using a camera, riding a bike, or making scrambled eggs, the required learning period is fairly short. A person learns to use a camera because they want to take pictures. Why does a person spend time learning to ride a bike? Perhaps getting from one place to another more quickly than by walking is a priority. Why learn to cook scrambled eggs? Perhaps someone in the family wants to eat them for breakfast. Although it is impossible to learn to do any of these things without some sort of a learning process, the purpose is simple and crystal clear.

Apply the same principle to learning a language: Have a clear goal in mind for
learning. Sure, the process is much more complicated than learning to use a camera, and the required amount of time and effort is much greater, but the task becomes much more manageable if the big picture, or the main goal, is broken into bite-sized chunks, otherwise known as short-term goals.

Let’s say, for example, that you want to complete an Ironman Triathlon. You will need to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and then run a full marathon of 26.2 miles. I hate to break it to you, but there’s no way you can just get up off the couch today and successfully complete an Ironman Triathlon without having previously trained for it. Surely you can try, but if you try too much all at once, you will ultimately have a hard time, get frustrated and you might even nearly drown, pass out or throw up a kidney. To combat this, you set short-term goals so that you will be training hard every day to build up your stamina and endurance.

Swimming 2.4 miles won’t happen by swimming a couple laps once a week. First you need to learn to swim properly, and then start training to build endurance, increase your training to swim half a mile, eventually complete a 1-mile swim without stopping and so on. It might take a long time and be quite demanding, but the success of reaching your short-term goals make it more fun and motivating to continue. If you ask any aspiring triathlete, “Why do you train so hard every day?” chances are they have some sort of intrinsic motivation to keep training, such as wanting to reach the finish line or break their own personal record. 
The same goes for learning Korean. With intrinsic motivation and a clear vision, you will be able to break down your main goal into short-term goals. You don’t need a 12-page plan detailing exactly how you are going to accomplish your goals, but if you’re that type of person, then by all means make one! Scaling the huge, steep mountain that is the Korean language is a much more doable task when you know where to start climbing.

If you are interested in learning Korean or are already learning, do you have a long-term goal? A clear-cut reason? Below are some examples of some great and specific reasons why people learn Korean. 
How does yours match up?

“I want to speak to my Korean friends in Korean”
Instead of saying, “I want to speak Korean to some Korean people someday, but I don’t know when that’s going to happen,” knowing exactly who you want to talk to gives a better, clearer reason for learning the language.

“I want to talk to my spouse’s family in Korean”
Knowing exactly who you want to speak with gives you an opportunity to work on a very specific set of words and expressions, making the processes much simpler.

“The job I want requires that I speak fluent Korean”
If speaking Korean can help you in your current job in Korea, or if you picture yourself working in Korea someday, then studying Korean is an obvious first step.

“I want to watch Korean movies and understand them without subtitles”
Korean movies are fantastic, and it is safe to say that you will only understand everything if you speak nearly perfect Korean. It’s not necessary to study for exams and fluency certificates if this is your main purpose, so start small. Learn some basic vocabulary and phrases, which you will continually build upon as you progress through your studies. You’ll be understanding every Park Chan-wook movie in no time.

“I just want to understand the lyrics in Korean songs”
If this is your main reason for learning Korean, there are a few hundred (overused) Korean words and expressions in Korean songs, so make the most of your effort by breaking down the lyrics to learn vocabulary and common expressions.

“Just for fun”
After reading the reasons above, you might think that it’s a bad thing if your reason for learning Korean is “just for fun.” However, learning Korean just for fun is absolutely fine as long as you know and remember that you are just learning it for fun. Learning is fun, but if you are feeling more stressed about not being able to study or practice much, then perhaps you are not learning it for fun anymore and need to find a new reason.

People say that it is important to have fun while learning, and while that’s entirely true, it doesn’t have to apply only when you are learning just for fun. For some, having fun while studying or preparing for a job interview in Korean is just as much fun as dancing around the house while singing a K-pop song into a hairbrush.

If you haven’t really given much thought to your reason for learning Korean before reading this article, I challenge you to spend a little time today coming up with a specific reason and writing it down. Post it in a place where you can see it every day. Let it motivate you to keep training your brain for victory. What you need to do next — or even right now — is up to you, but can you clearly answer the question, “Why are you learning Korean?”


Well, I've been studying (not intense) Korean for over a year but I can't say that I have even have any progress so far. After read this article, I know the reason why I still can't even make any random Korean sentence or say anything in Korean. It definitely because I don't have any specific reason in mind. And also not practice intensely.

This is not just for this situation. I do have a lot experiences in common. Sometimes I just wanted to expert on things. I learn a little bit, but I'm a type of person that easily get bored. Yes, I always wanted to expert things in some short of time, when I even know it couldn't be. So I give up right away when I figured out that the things I learn was hard to mastered.

I also the type of person that easily gets motivated when see or hear encouragement. But, as time goes, it also easily vanished and I become weak in spirit. That's why I hardly try something new, even I want one. And the other reasons (I realized I have much reasons) are I always have excuses for myself. For example, when I suddenly had ideas about what I want to write, then I turned on the computer, instead of writing I connected to the internet and start downloading or surfing. When I remember I need to write my mind quickly make an excuse like "I still can write this afternoon. Maybe tonight, or tomorrow, or day after tomorrow. Possibly next week. It happened in sequence, continually. Till now, I hardly finish my current draft, besides, I know I did it on purpose, to reach one of my dreams.

The last (I hope) reason is because in fact I always over-think anything. This is the reason I hate most because whenever I think much about things happen in my mind, then it never had a conclusion. Why? I still don't know how to change this bad habit. I almost ever can't take anything easy. It's like I should think thousand times to make a decision even for my own self. This is also could be the reason behind I-always-make-an-excuse. Why I do such things, why I need to try this, what will happen if I do this or that. It’s always spinnin’ over my head. Actually I’m tired of being such a person like this. I really need a way out. Perhaps, somebody who have a same problem, or know how to fix this, can tell me later.

Well, I know now, I really need a lot of encouragement articles like this every day so I don’t lose any hopes to learn something new. I actually learn (or review) Korean lessons these days. At least I reviewed 3 lessons a day. I’m in hyped mood to study so I wish this could last, at least, until I finish all the lessons. This also the reason why I have been lazy to go out lately. Because I’m afraid I will lost the spirit once I skip the lesson. And seriously, if I had to pick one of the reasons “why am I learning Korean?” above, I would choose the bottom two. Because I like singing around, and when I learnt English, it was my goal-in too, to sing songs which I could pronounce well and understand the meaning of the lyrics.

One more, I found this on a page on Facebook.

Oh! I have noted my keyboard with 한글 (hangul) so I can slightly, little by little, learn how to write in Korean. But it's a bit hard to remember the position LOL. 

마짐막, 앞으로도 열심히 하게습니다 (am I right?)  파이팅!

이게 완전 재미있당~ ㅋㅋㅋ 안녕히 주무세요!

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Hey, Fail. I dare you :)

I wonder if I have ever in a situation where someone gets jealous/envy to me and think that I’m so lucky because I work/close to someone else who she adores. In this case, I don’t even think I’m lucky because I know or close with that person.

Confused, huh? LOL. That’s why I wonder.

Anyway, do you ever feel like you have confidence to through it but you fail? When you think you have fallen and couldn't raise anymore? When you just want to stop and think twice to go on? I bet everybody must have felt this feeling.

There's a time when you think you will be on the top but the result says you don't. There's a moment that could brings you down because you thought you tried your best but you fail.
There's a feeling when you think you don't deserve every success but it brings you to your feet. For you bravely enough to say you are the one who will be on the spotlight and say
Never Say Never, because you was born to be somebody.

There only 3 words of God to answer your pray:
Yes, and gives you what you want
No, and gives something better
Wait, and gives you the best

"Don't be afraid to FAIL. Be afraid NOT TO TRY."

Happy Saturday! :)  

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

These Got to Have Answers

It’s first August! I don’t have anything in mind to tell but I think it’s been awhile since I posted. I don’t have many things to do in this Ramadhan because I just stay at home. And because I didn’t go to my hometown, so I’m kinda homesick this days as it’s D-8. So sad

Anyway, I’ve been freaked out these 2 days after watching a horror movie. You know, I never in such a sucks state like this before. I mean I actually freaked out a lot when I was child but as time goes by I don’t think I’m still a coward. What made me acted like a coward (again) was because, I think, after watching that movie which I could tell it set up in a house. And I thought about my room. Suddenly, I felt like what happened in my room when I’m not around or when I go to bed alone. It scared me to death. It’s also because nobody’s in house right now. I mean it’s not that we don’t have anyone in the house but usually we had 7 members. But my bro and sis went to our hometown to visit our grandma till Ied’. My dad went to Umroh so there are 4 members which is left me, my mom, and my 2 siblings. Those children and my mom sleep in a bedroom. Guess, I’m alone in my room. Thinking of it makes me scared. I don’t know why but I have stayed in my room alone for over 3 years and I’ve never been this coward before.

You know, yesterday, when my mom went to company the children to school, I was left alone in house. I have through it a lot. I mean, I used to it. Besides there are neighbors around the house. But, yesterday, after my mom left, it started to rain heavy and I was like I couldn’t go anywhere but stayed in my room. Doing something that could make me busy and stop thinking there is something outta my room. I was kinda spamming twitter for no reason just to keep myself busy. I hate this so much.

I don’t mean to tell that I’m such coward. I swear it never happened since yeaaaarrsss ago. But, I think it’s not because I was really afraid. It’s because I sent a strong suggestion to my mind that time, after watching movie. About something terrible. So, after I got home, I thought a lot the scenes of the movie and imagined as it happened in my house. Sucks me, I scared to went to the bathroom and sleep alone. The problem is, I have a bad habit. I imagined a lot and I believe too hard in it. It’s like a suggestion, like I told before, and I think it might be true. It indeed what I scared of. I told ya, it happens a lot in daily life. As I think about something, whatever in the case, and that feeling or intuition surprisingly becomes true. A lot. Not only for once or twice. It might happens almost everyday. Like a sudden thought of warn from my mind. And without knowing it, it becomes true. Last night I was thinking, what happen if my lil sister wants to follow my mom to company my brother tomorrow. It means I will be alone in house and I can’t go to bed after that -_-. You know, it happened this morning. Suddenly, my lil sister who was sleeping, woke up and asked my mom to go along with her.

In this case, I just can’t stop thinking what happens with my mind. It doesn’t work with all cases but I should underline it, whenever it comes to a lil or sudden thought and I say I have a feeling for it and it WILL happen. Like I said a lot. I don’t know why. I’m not talking about thing “BAROKAH” like pink brown ranger always talks about. This is a real talk. It happens way before ‘BAROKAH’ thing. I told my sister a lot about it and I just can’t divide it into a strong intuition or I just like to believe in negative thinks. Because it doesn’t always happens when I want it. I mean, for a good reasons. Like, I’ve been wanting something and I try to believe it will happens but it’s not. You got it, huh?

Anyway, I wonder how people live they dream. I saw a lot of people live they dream and I just wait for my turn. I mean, I know they struggle a lot before they got what they dream. Honestly, I really want to be one of them. You know these days, you can see people on youtube showing up their skills. And in months or years you can see them in media. Television, radio, magazine or anything. How great it feels! And I just, wow! Those dreams are true. What I want is my dreams to be true too. People say, you gotta dream and act. I know what I dream. I know how to act. One thing that I don’t know yet. How to start. That’s one of my problems. I don’t want to end up watching people grow and leave me behind. But I swear I don’t know how to start it. I wish I can find a way someday. Never give up though.

Skip the topic, I have watched the trailer of Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters and I was like “WHOAA, MY HERO! CAN’T WAIT! HYPED! SWAG!” I think it will be cooler that the first movie. I wish. Because I expected a lot in the first movie but it didn’t come out well as the readers imagine I bet. So, I wish this time, they make it more epic. And also, I remind me the 4th books of The Heroes of Olympus Series will be released in 2 months. It makes me more excited than anything. Can’t wait to launch it.

Today’s question. Does first love always happen as one-sided love? Because I saw a lot and it’s kinda true. If you know, then tell me is it true or not.

Have a great day. Black Ranger’s here

Row Low and Be You :)

Senin, 29 Juli 2013


Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Its name is CHANGE

This time, I wasyour hands up, and Never Say Never... waiting for breakfasting and I opened an old video folder. As I get bored and I wondered watching old videos could be fun. Then I found some video collections of Justin Bieber. Feeling so long time ago when I was a BIG fan of him.

Put your hands up, and Never Say Never…

Justin Bieber, the who taught me to say so. Almost for years and I still know him named as Justin Bieber. But, why the feeling so different then the last time I call him to the top of my lungs? Don’t misunderstand me. This is not a fan post like I used to write. Yup, years ago I used to write things about Justin here. How I never get enough of him, I love him, and I crazy over him. Everything seemed real back then. How about now? Times by times I don’t mention his name anymore in this blog. Did I stop to be his number 1 fan?

The answer is; time goes by. Justin changed. He is not Justin Bieber with the golden-high-pitch-voice, the innocent, the young fun boy, and the god flip hair anymore. He is Justin Bieber with mature look and complicated life on-screen. This lovely-boy transformed into a kinda-bad-boy in every entertainment news. He always showed up as the most Hate Artist in USA. What happened? Did Justin change or it is just people couldn’t see him change? Me, as a-no-longer-big-fan and others former fan might say we don’t like him change. His looks became horrible if I could say. He wears pants under his butt. Eww. His mind must be around somewhere. Is it a good style to keep as an idol of teenagers? You want us to shout at you that you are so hot? Oh my gosh. Even when I thought back then, when I sign as a fan of him, I never thought my superhero would turn into this. His daily-life or love-life become scandal. This is not-so-Justin that I used to know.

Once again, don’t misunderstand me. This not a fan or haters post. So, after saw every change of Justin, did I become a haters? No. I still read news about him. I still like his photos (if it makes sense) on facebook. I stiil turn my head whenever I heard his name called. But, this time, I don’t announce me as BIG fan anymore. Why? Because he change? It would be my first reason to cover up the real reason. Because I do change. I crazy over him when I was teen. Now, I’m about to 20 and it must made any difference to years ago. I don’t have much time to adore-to-death someone as I used to.

The answer of the question is people do change, and not all of them could accept it. Do people know Justin is a normal boy? He did whatever boys do in their age. He is not doing wrong. His behavior is just like the others teenager. What make it looks wrong is he is on the spotlight. People watch and criticism. But they don’t know Justin likes to pranks since he was younger. People probably don’t know when we are getting older, our voice change, our desire change. Maybe, Justin and I didn’t change. We just grow up. No matter, to be wiser or not. It is up to the person. Now, I’m telling not to comment on the others before you figure out who you are. I believe everyone grow up. Everyone changes. The important point is, no matter what people say, you still recognize what the center of yours. Doesn’t matter how much you change, you know who you are.

What I see is Justin change but he still #Believe. He lives his dream up till now. And what I remember of him is he was courage me to do my things. Justin taught me to say Never Say Never. And it will never change.
I don’t speak about Justin. I speak about how we should see at a situation. One thing, see something objective, not subjective. It will change on how you judge. Nobody knows what is wrong and right. Wrong or right decide by each perspective. So, do not fail what you see. Don’t see things with bare eyes. Think before do and talk. Respect others business. Whatever your name, you'll be free to change and grow up

Everyone’s dreaming. I was dreaming with Justin Bieber J

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Ini ciyuss. Ini beneran....

Akhir-akhir ini gue penasaran sama rasanya pacaran. Well, bukannya gue pengen punya pacar, nggak sama sekali. Ngebayangin aja gue geli. Tapi lebih ke-apasih-yang-dilakukan-orang-pacaran.
Gue masih nggak ngerti benefitnya apa. Oke, gue tau everything has the good side. Tapiii, gue pengen tau. Dan nggak akan tau kan kalo nggak nyobain? Oke. Trus, apa aja yang diomongin sama pacar. Kalo sama temen kan kita bisa gila-gilaan. Ngomong dari A ke D ke H S tapi nggak sampe Z (kata Ranger Putih). Udah gitu omongan yang nggak penting semua. Pokoknya be yourself banget. Trus, sama pacar gitu juga apa kita harus jaim terus? Terus pembicaraannya apa dong? Yang serius, santai, apa nggak jelas juga kayak temenan?
Dari semua itu yang paling bikin gue penasaran adalah gimana kalo rangers pink kecoklatan punya pacar. Tiba-tiba gue inget taruhan tadi pagi.

How could a glimpse of a shadow could light up your day? Could it be…

Salam antifokus!

Hai, gue Rangers Hitam. Kekuatan gue adalah antifokus

Di tengah kesumpekkan ini, tiba-tiba gue pengen nge-blog. Iya! Entah kenapa dari jaman dulu dulu duluuu banget gue selalu nge-blog di saat-saat terjepit. Apacoba?

Well, gue sumpek ngerjain deadline film ke-2 *backsound tepuk tangan*
Iya men! Udah film kedua, kalo yang ini berhasil. Deadline-nya besok dan masih ada 3 scene.  Dan gue pusing. Dan gue malah nge-blog. Akibat ke-nggak-fokusan gue. Entah kenapa gue nggak fokusnya udah akut. Gue nggak bisa inget kata-kata yang mau gue ucapin lima detik yang lalu dan gue nggak tau apa penyebabnya. Jadi ide-ide yang mau gue keluarin, kalo nggak dikatakan sesegera mungkin itu bakal lenyap gitu aja. Itu karena gue terlalu banyak mikir. Dan kayaknya postingan ini juga nggak bakal fokus karena there are a lot of things I want to share. (Kalo nggak banyak berarti gue lupa apa aja yang mau gue share)
Anyway, besok syuting terakhir (insya Allah) kalo nggak ada halangan (lagi). Menurut gue project kali ini lebih ribet dari sebelumnya. Pertama, aktornya sibuk. Kedua, naskah sering gonta-ganti. Ketiga, butuh properti khusus. Keempat, cameraman kita, ranger abu, menghilang. dan kelima, well, pokoknya ribet. Untuk scene ending sebenernya kita butuh ambil gambar di gereja. Setelah ngasih surat izin ke gerejanya malah molor dan belum ada keputusan. So, kitra mesti pikiran alternative tempat selain gereja. Semoga besok jadi…

Teruuuusss besok minggu UAS. Gue belum prepare apa-apa dong. Mana besok ada tugas makalah kelompok dan bagian gue belum gue kerjain -__-. Karena banyak deadline gue sampe nggak fokus mau ngerjain yang mana dulu. Ada nggak sih obat peningkat kefokusan. Selain nggak fokus gue juga pelupa. Ini udah parah banget. Bokap gue suka protes kenapa gue sampe segininya padahal gue masih muda. Iya, gue masih muda tapi pikunnya udah setara sama kepikunan bokap gue. Dosa apa sih gue?
Mana bentar lagi deadline lomba nulis itu lagi. Gue pengen ngirim tapi belum ada waktu buat nulis lagi. Masih ada beberapa halaman yang harus ditambah biar required.  Masih kalut-kalutnya gini anak-anak udah ngelamar cast baru buat project ke-3. Mana project ketiga agak ribet dan agak panjang. Karena kita nyeritain true story dari pengalaman hidupnya ranger pink kecoklatan. Soal cinta enam tahunnya itu. Sebenernya target emang ngejar sebelum oktober. Tapi gue nggak yakin ini mepet-mepet semua. Mana mau bulan puasa. Udah gitu kalo gue pulang kampung gimana?!

Ini tulisan udah semakin dramatis ceritanya. Entah kenapa semua hal terasa deadline di kepala gue. By the way, akhir-akhir ini ranger pink kecoklatan lagi lucky. Kayaknya habis banting harga.

Tapitapitapi, sebelum udahan gue pengen share soal kata-kata motivator gue. Tapi kayaknya postingan lain aja deh. #apacobague #laginggakfokus #lagialayblogpakehashtag

Sebelumnya, gue mau share link our (Rangers Line Cinema) very first short movie. Check it out and leave a comment please :)

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

It Spirit

Happy Saturday! I woke up early this morning. Around 6:40 am but stayed in bed for about 20 minutes LOL. I haven’t done any morning activities but turned on my computer and started browsing. Well, seems jobless daily life. Actually, I had some things to do for this week. I gotta do BEM report for Tuesday and somehow there’s a deadline for editing our short clip, and I ignore them all as I don’t have anything to do.

You know, I realized this is one of my bad habits. I’d like to postpone everything I had to done even I know the deadline. I’d like to do everything in a short-time-to-deadline so I can do it seriously. Well, honestly, I hate this habit. It isn’t like I easily give up about something, but easily get bored about anything I done. Though, I know it’s not good but I’m still doing it and I don’t know how to stop this kind of disease. Geez.

In fact that, this morning, I had planned to continue my write. It’s like I have stuck in a brain freeze for months. And this morning, I intended to continue but as soon as I turned on the computer, what I’ve done is just connected the internet and started browsing for new movie. In the same time, I watched SHINee’s One Fine Day variety show. As today is #5YearsWithSHINee. Happy SHINee day J. After that, I checked out my twitter and facebook. It takes too long to went back to the straight way of my first plan, searching for new idea. The new chapter of my writing is about some location in San Francisco. Though, I don’t know much about the city, I gotta finish it. So, first I looked up Wikipedia to check what is famous in San Francisco. After a while, I didn’t get what I need and as usual, I get bored and decided to write this post. Very clever.

I don’t know would I finish some tasks for today or just doing nothing. But, I wish I could sweep away this habit. I need cheers and spirit to do things so first, I wish I could find out what will be my spirit. This morning is clear and my head is about to blue -___-

I suddenly remember my last chat with Rangers. We found out that we are Less girls. For me, Heartless as I never have relationship or (they think) I never have intention to boys. Pink Brown Ranger, Loveless, because nobody has intention to draw love in her heart for years. LOL. Grey Ranger is Careless. Idk, she’s decided by herself. Of course, there was a reason behind it. And last but no least, White Ranger stands for Soulless. Because she’s just too soulless to have sensitivity about what happen around her. Compared to her, I prefer to be a heartless. At least, well, even though it sounds a bit similar but, well, I don’t know. I just feel like I’m better. LOL. And the conclusion is, WE ARE PEMALES. Pemales means lazy. And it similar with Female less pronunciation. We are clever like a crow!

Last, I want to have spirit to finish my tasks. Happy Saturday!

I’m Ranger Black. Am I really lazy?
