Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Another Happy Day's Coming!

Today is my bless day. Although I always dissatisfied about getting older but since it’s the state to be grown up which I need to get through, I’ll accept it cooly. Since morning there are many wishes came from closest people and I felt bless to have so many friends care about me. I hope from getting older (well, I know from someone to not to say it old but ‘classic’) I will get wiser and not so doubtful from anything I do since I easily change my mind.

Well, birthday is not so freaking-out moment if you feel blessed. I’m very grateful for living until twenty years and I thankful to God for blessing my healthy life. And also everything that I already had and going to reach, I hope this year could be a better year for me. A new life beginning J

Anyway, I interested to study Japanese lately. I think it’s a bit hard compared to study Korean because there are 3 ways different writing. Hiragana and Katakana are already hard to memorize. I don’t think Kanji will… well, since I’m a beginner I really anticipating for the moment when I’m able to understand a whole sentence written in Hiragana or Katakana. Kanji… let’s see if I get a good progress. Honestly, I haven’t done with Korean. How can I expect for more language?

Thank you for everyone who already blesses me with their wishes the whole day. Even Google greet Happy Birthday for me! I hope future will be brighter for all of us. God bless and have a nice birthday moment for all of you who born in the same date with me. Happy 4th December!

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