Long time no posting!!! OMGOMG, I’m so freakin miss this
blog. I always wanted to write something but somehow I need to hold back
because I don’t think what I’ll share is something important. But, this is my
blog and nobody really read what I posts so I think it’s okay to only mess
around or blabber something. Blogging is not always for something important tho
Anyway, the latest post I wrote was when I had my birthday
and it was more than a month. Of course, I get thru a lot since then but still,
I don’t know if there’s something to share here. Lemme think for a while. I had
something in mind, since looonngg time ago I really wanted to change the
template design. Just to re-new the feeling of this blog. Perhaps, fresh design
could bring me here often than before.
What else? Oh, wait! I lately interested to learn France. Well,
laugh it out loud, because in the previous post I told that I learnt Japanese. How
can it be so fast to change my interest. The funny fact is, I had a dreams
weeks ago, which my dad ask me to go to Paris. Somehow, I see Eiffel in front
of my nose. OMG the feeling was so real until I realized it was a fake Eiffel. And
after opening my eyes, I had great desire to learn France. LOL the reason was
cheap. Although, actually, I always wanted to learn France back then. That was
before I had interested in Korean or Japanese. But now, I even confuse what
language do I want to learn and fluent exactly.
Days ago I told my high school friends that I have a crush with
someone (of course he’s a guy). And they were like
Anyway, I realized that this is my first post in January. I wish
I could keep it lives until next year and so on. My eyes are getting sleepy
while my brain freezing because of the weather. And my nose is getting wet. Guess
I’ll catch a cold. Good night and sleep tight. Bonne nuit et au revoir!