Happy New Year 2011.
wooohhooo finally we're in the new year. 2011 please be good to me XD. God bless me.
and all i want in this year is Happiness. blessblessbless.
ya know this isnt the main theme of this post. ohhh i even havent thought bout the main theme of this post. im starting with randomness. what? ok u know i always do random post.
so all i wanna share is
idk why blog always seems interesting when im in boredomness. hha seriously. sorry if i just do create post when im bored. but i think u should know that i dont have any story to tell even in holidays.
holidays may be heaven for mostly students like me but naaahhhh. holidays like hell shit for me because i'd rather wake up early to do some shit thingy preparing to school then meet my friends than just stuck at home. doing nothing. I almost yawn when im typing it lol.
i always feel bored OMG
so, i spent these holidays just playing some games with my bro, doing some works, tumblring, tweeting and blah blah blah. i bet u dont wanna know them all hhaha.
i havent been really going out. oouucchhh i told ya. it sucks to be me :'(
oohh, but last night me and family had night out. wkwkwk
we were going to a fast food resto and spent our whole night there. it was freezee out there but it kinda lovely warm and comfort with ur family :)
and tomorrow will be the last day of holiday. idk what to feel. its like what am i really supposed to feel?? sad or happy??
when i was a kid i used to ask for moree and longeerr holidays but now im in the highest class. its like i dont wanna miss a day without my friends around :')
moreover how could i survive in holidays? hell, im not going to anywhere exactly that makes me wanna adding more days of holiday. plus, i must feed up my pocket. hahaha it seems really hungry.
school, i just felt how much i miss u. not all bout u. i mean i dont miss the lessons, the teachers, the sucks buildings but i miss laughing with my friend in class and everywhere and i miss stalking my crush new friend, new lil sissy-the innocent-one. hahaha
u know who im talking about.
anyway, bout her i started texting up with her and it kinda fun. lol
she can make u like stfu when u in ur bad mood but she kinda interesting, funny and lot of innocent.
she definitely different from all i have imagined. she's not cool!! she's soooo innocent aawww.
u have to be more patient if u wanna be friend with her.
seriously yeah. that's why i called her my lil sissy :)
i mentioned before that she is in the first grade right? first grade of high school, but smh she acts like a middle school student. wkwkwk
cant wait to meet her again in school and know her more in pesonality. but i wonder will she know me? because we just have conversation through on phone and catch up in facebook.
seriously i worry whether she will know me or not. lol
and i just wanna tell u that i have no feeling to her anymore. it sounds good right? lol
im back to my only-one-guy Justin Bieber. obsessed with him is kinda better than have a feeling to a girl.
woooott so freakin weird :3
okok, i think i should end my randomness here. i wanna share more but idk what to type.
Happy Holiday i wish u dont have a sucks holiday like me hhuuu
cant wait to go Back to School!!!
woohhoo, sorry dont judge me like that. i know u all want a longer holiday XD
thanks for reading my awful post.
God Bless Yall :)

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