How’s life? As this is holiday, for me. And I have nothing to do, so these days I feel like I’m gonna read as much books as I can to kill the boredomness. I just read a book called Infinetely Yours that written by Orizuka. A female author from Indonesia. It’s published by Gagas Media. Before review it, I wanna tell you that the idea was about Korean. All about Korean. The author once said, she made it because the publisher asked her to write a novel about vocation. Because she’s crazy about Korean, so she decided to write about the Ginseng country.
I knew it first when I saw the review from one friend’ blog. I was not exactly put interested on it because it said for all K-pop lovers, you’ll like it. As I’m not a K-pop lovers, I didn’t think the book is interesting. Ok, I told you I had had a deep crush to Kim Bum once. When the Boys Before Flowers drama was VERY booming. I started liking all about Korean. Until now, I guess I still. But I’m denying as a K-Pop lovers. I actually didn’t think it is something I have to liked because I didn’t have any idea of what they’re singing. My friend had said once, she doesn’t like English songs because she didn’t understand the meaning. I understand now as I’m not sure what I REALLY listen to when I listen to Korean songs. But this, or some books make me fell in love again with this country. Everything! I like the country, especially Seoul. It’s like one of romantic country in the world. It had all words of cute! The people, the language, the places. Kinda dreamland, I think. And started from now on I will try as hard as I can to learn Korean language. And it also not to lose a chance for me to liking K-pop. Hahaa.
But now, let’s see the blurp of the book:

Orang bilang, pertemuan pertama selalu kebetulan. Tapi, bagaimana caramu menjelaskan pertemuan-pertemuan kita selanjutnya? Apakah Tuhan campur tangan di dalamnya?
Kita bukanlah dua garis yang tak sengaja bertabrakan. Sekeras apa pun usaha kita berdua, saling menjauhkan diri—dan menjauhkan hati—pada akhirnya akan bertemu kembali.
Kau tak percaya takdir, aku pun tidak. Karenanya, hanya ada satu cara untuk membuktikannya….
Kau, aku, dan perjalanan ini.
“Kocak! Wajib dibaca dan dikoleksi Kpoppers maupun non-Kpoppers supaya lebih mengenal Korea! Jjang!” – Edwin Joo, head admin of
“Di bawah sihir romantisme Korea, dua kepribadian berbeda bertualang bersama. A very funny yet entertaining love story!” – Lia Indra Andriana, penulis SeoulMate
Jingga was playing her PSP while waiting for her group tour when someone crashed on her and made her game console’s sliding freely on the floor. Before she could save it, a trolly accidently grinded it out. She still couldn’t had an idea what was happened when a guy with big Rayban gave her a card and asked her to contact him two weeks later to compentation its damaged because he’s in hurry. Jingga took it and the guy passed through to the departure’s gate. Inside, Jingga met him again as they were in the same group. Because they will be together in the vocation, the guy who told her name was Rayan, promised to responsible her PSP as soon as he find ATM.
The tour guide, Mr. Darma give an instruction that they had to look after each other mate. Rayan was very guilty and wonder he would be the Energizer Rabbit’s mate, Jingga. Rayan gave her that called because he found that girl, who Rayan thought she was about 17 or so, are very active, over energy, noisy, and annoying. The doubt was right. They shared seats on airplanes which made they were couple who had to take care each other till the vocation end.
On the way, Jingga had never lose words or even tired. She keep annoyed Rayan about K-pop or anything bout Korean. Rayan actually hates it. He hates Korea also everything about it because it has take over someone who he loves most. Instead, the girl on his side was keep blabbering about a tour guide that she met last year in Seoul who she found very attractive to her. He just like a K-pop star. She keep asking Rayan his opinion about the tour guide’s guy by his picture she took last year. She very proud to present it to him but he just say that the guy is beautiful. He truly thought that Korean guy has a beautiful looks. He thought if this girl dating with the guy, he could decide who’s prettier.
But when they arrived in Incheon International airport, Rayan found a passport on the floor. It must belong to one of his tour group. When he take a look who’s the owner, he couldn’t believe that it possessed to the noisy girl and he just saw that she was born on 86. It unbelievable for him because the girl had acted like a teenager all this time. And he realized something that she also called him uncle but the case is he was just three years older of her. The unlucky day goes on. On the bus he had to shared seats again. And the girl kept on talking when he dying tried to not give her any attention.
Jingga was very shocked when the guy beside her was look alike one of Korean actor. But she couldn’t understand why the guy is very bad, cold, and clumsy. Unlike the Korean actor. But she keep on talk as much as she can with him just to made them not awkward because she hates awkward. At last she met her prince charming Yun Jae. The tour guide. She’s just dreaming of him over a year and got chance to makes it true but another destiny pulled her out. She had to skipped and through a journey with Rayan who was looking for his x-girlfriend. And the journey begins…
After met his girlfriend Mariska, who decided to married a Korean guy, they decided to go back to the tour instead they found that the tour had go far away from there. At a moment, Rayan had robbed by someone so he had to hang everything to Jingga. Jingga decided to give him a ‘Romantic Tour’. They visited some places which symbol of romantic in Seoul. There’s a place that you could wish for everlasting relationship by only hang a locked on the gate and threw away the key. They tried it even though Rayan had to throw away his shamed to do it. By Jingga’s forces, Rayan finally do it. In every moments, Jingga collect as much pictures of Rayan as she could take by Instax and stick it to a journal book. Rayan let her do it because she can’t do anything except let her do anything she wanted. They also buy couple T which was very odd to Rayan. He never wore a purple hoodie which looked cute on him in his entire life. He cursed it because this girl he just known succeed make him wore it. Not also the hoodie, Jingga bought a couple ring to him and forced him to put it on his finger.
The Romantic Tour goes on as Rayan found Jingga as a freak but also cute girl. He couldn’t believe his thoughts. He just compliment Jingga, the most annoyed and noise girl he ever met. But he can’t deny it as his Romantic Tour with Jingga must be over and joined back with their first group tour. And something distracted him. He figured out that Yun Jae had the same feeling with Jingga. He punched him as a responsible for kidnapped Jingga for days. Yun Jae gave him warned not to get near to Jingga. For a while, Rayan wouldn’t want to give up but he saw something that made him backup and give up. What happened with Rayan and Jingga? Just read it!
For me, this book is very entertaining and easy to read. The plot wasn’t complicated. Very enjoyable to read and funny. The dialogue mixed with sense of humor. The thoughts and words of Rayan had always made me laugh because he usually says something funny of his cynical sense. Besides, it more like drama which we can find in serial tv. That’s why it’s cute for me. though It’s a little bit unlogical but it supposed to entertain so what's the matter? And they talked about destiny. Chances and accidents but they also destiny. I like when Mariska told Rayan about magnet theory. “A same side of magnet will never come together. That’s why two person who have a same personalities and character will never get along happily.” I think it’s right. But sometimes it’s very hard to think about how long indeed different people like Jingga and Rayan could get along. Because they have totally different characters. It’s funny. Haha.
But the author make it simple. It’s not about love story but also a vocation in a beautiful country. Orizuka once said she never come to Seoul. It’s funny when she could write a perfect story like this. Told the readers about how beautiful Seoul is. I could imagine the whole city in my mind. two thumbs up for you, Orizuka. And also, I like her pen name ;)
Everyone has their own standard for a good book. But for me, this book is enjoyable read. I swear I could repeat it thousand times if I want. Very entertaining, funny, and contained some important messages for the reader. For you who fell in love with Korea as I did, you have to read this one. And also decided what your own opinion.
By the way, I finished it last night. Midnight, very late. About 02.00 AM. I swear I couldn’t got my hands off it. Guess how interesting this book. And I also got surprise this morning when I mentioned the author, @authorizuka, and she replied my mention. I was hyped!

But I felt very sleepy now. And I must stop this right away. Thanks for reading. I really wish you want to read it too as excited as me.
Sleepy though. Gnite. Annyeonghigaseyo!