Wooaahh, I’ve been busy lately that I couldn’t update post
here. No, I’m just joking. It’s not that I’m very busy but I was just not in my
mood to post anything though I have a lot of things to tell. About two weeks ago,
or more? Idk, just about that time, my friends and I were had a good time.
We’ve just passed the choir competition. It’s kinda burdensome because we have
to do it right since we brought the faculty’s pride. But, after working hard
about weeks we could get a little satisfied because we’re in the 4th
rank. It’s not bad because this is our first time had a work together so it
wasn’t easy to all of us. But I guess everybody had a great time since it
wasn’t just about win the competition but the feeling of having a new family is
more important than anything. Since the competition ended we started to joke
like “when will we practice again?” or singing Nina Bobo, the song we sang that
day, as a joke or something like that. We indeed miss moments like that.
Thinking about that day again. We were worried about our
quality because even we had been practicing so much but it wasn’t enough for
sure. It still had lacked in some side but as we were a team we had to hide
each other’s weakness. That’s what we called team, right? But I saw in everyone
that we were very confident about it too. Since we were not counting as a hard
rival by the others, we started to make confident by ourselves. Yeah, I know
many people were looking down for us. Like, that faculty can’t absolutely win
even the lower rank but we did the opposite though. Just like people say “Don’t
judge a book by its cover”. You could probably think anything of anybody but
you just can’t judge like that till you know the person itself. Sounds like I’m
a wise person, huh? LOL
Anyway, it called back my memories back then when we
practice hard. That was not easy to meet up all of the member. We had some
effort to gather the member for sure. The earlier day, it wasn’t much people
who attend the practice. Everybody was complaining about the time. They all
rushed for going home instead practice more. Yeah, thought it wasn’t fun. They
also choose attend the class rather than had practiced more. For me, I’m a bit
different. I really enjoy practicing because… hmm, how can I tell that I really
enjoy singing all the way. It’s like I found a right moment to let my lungs
out. I even wished we had more time to practicing. In case I couldn’t find a
right place to singing like crazy. You know, I can DEFINITELY not do it at
home. My daddy would kick my ass out! LOL. Honestly, I could spend all day
singing like that instead of attend some fvcking sleepy class :p. But after
thru times by times changing anything. I didn’t hear people begging to going
home or such things anymore. It’s like they were definitely enjoy practicing
even we were practicing a lot in a sweat and hot room. This is true that the
room has no ventilation since we were practicing in the studio. It’s friggin
hot OMG! And I appreciated it more. I know time changes everything. Initially
they couldn’t enjoy it but in the end they knew how to make it easier.
Of course we took a lot of pictures too and I will show you
some of them because we took pictures from many cameras and I don’t have all of
‘em yet. Yeah, a pict worth thousand words. I like this words because it is
true. You can see how we feel so excited and enthusiastic holding the trophy.
So blessed that day!

That was fun though after performed I had big trouble with
my throat. I lost my voice for sure but fortunately it happened after our
performance. Still can thankful for it. I don’t know why the weird fact that
half of people got cold today included me. It’s like stage fever (?) or
something like sick before performing something. I’m sure I got it right. That
day was killing me but still I didn’t realized till I got home. I got sleep
right away after arrived at home. That was such a big and tired day. I wish we
could bring back some good memories in another day.
I think I end up with telling story about the choir day. I
gotta move to another topic. What kind of topic is that? So I said on the top
that I’ve been busy lately. Do you believe that I really meant it? Of course
not, right? LOL. But at least I tried to be busy by myself lately. Why do I
insist to become so busy? Because I had nothing to do. Okay, I just tried to
make everyone curious what I’m gonna talk about though I know nobody would care
at all. Yeah, recently I found something fun to do. Yup, I’m kind of busy
learning Korean language. It’s kinda fun to me since I always excited for learn
such things. Learn foreign language can always succeed make me happy and feel
like I’m going to be a smart person LOL. It’s not make sense at all but that’s
exactly what I feel.
Actually, I didn’t think I would learn Korean before. It was
like I have no related anything about Korean and I’m sure I have more
interested in Japan but I don’t know since when I definitely have interested on
it. But time goes by and after watching some Korean variety show I was like
“Wow, I have to expert this language for sure.” And you know, learning such a
thing is not that easy. Besides, it was very strange to me since they have a
different type of writing from common alphabet. They use Hangeul, Korean
writing. For the first time I’m not sure I could barely understand about it but
you wouldn’t know till you try. Yup, for a moment I thought it will be hard to
learn if I can’t read Hangeul and I’m not sure at all that I can expert those
things but after trying, there was nothing to worry about. I also couldn’t
believe that I can read Hangeul now, even with much effort and neither fluently
nor clearly, but at least I can read it now. And it was not that hard. Can I
say it is way far from difficult? Not that I want to brag but I still can’t
believe too I was learnt it just by a day. I don’t know what was wrong with my
head but it was easier than I thought. I can say with confident now that I can
read Hangeul. Just imagined how proud I am LOL.
But still, yeah, it can be that short time to expert
something. And I still on my way to learn more about Korean. I’m sure it’s not
that hard like learning English because I think Korean have Asian language
style. It’s not much different from Indonesian way of language. Asian style is
simpler than English I thought. I don’t mean that English was hard to learn but
sometimes I still confused to use tenses or grammar. The only matter here is
just the structure of making sentence. It’s a little bit different between
Korean sentence and Indonesian or English because they put object before
predicate. So, it’s a lil bit confusing for me. However I still want to learn
more. I won’t beaten by just some confusing structure. I will definitely expert
this one. At least I can read Hangeul now and it’s a step forward, right? It
sounds like I’m bragging now ~LOL. Okay, I’ll admit that I am very proud of
myself. I never feel this proud before.
Anyway, before I end up this post I wanna tell you that days
ago I had succeed my scheme towards White Ranger. Coincide to April Fool was
White Ranger’s birthday. It was Sunday so we couldn’t do our plan in the exact
day so we did it in Monday. The plan was doing from Saturday. Grey and Pink
Brown Ranger pretended that they are mad with her. And for me, I was like
there’s nothing wrong happened. We left her behind anywhere that day. We also
asked her new boyfriend to take a part of this scheme. I was definitely the one
who made up all of the situation but I was be the one who pretend to didn’t
know anything. I had thought about it more if we all ignored her that day he
will be suspicious us so I decided to be the one who looks innocent. So the day
of the evil day I asked her boyfriend to break up with her just to made her
sad. Actually this one is suggested by Yellow Ranger, thanks anyway. And that
day we successfully made her to be the fool one. I felt sorry but happy at the
same time. Finally, I got revenge! And it wouldn’t stop till all of Ranger
member, who was there when I got fooled in my birthday, get the revenge. Just
watch out ya guys! You, you, and you… Yellow, Grey, and Pink Brown Ranger. I
will make you all get the revenge of me. Muahahuehuahuehuahue
Thanks for reading another awful post of mine. I got tired
of thinking what topic I will make out. So yeah, have a bless day and see you
around :)
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