Well, it's better to start if you know what the story is about. It's a 16th year old girl named Hazel who had cancer, thyroid cancer that had spread to her lungs. It made her always carried a portable oxygen tank to breath. She went to support group which is group attends by some kids who also had cancer. The story began when she met a boy, later name Augustus, at the support group while he was accompanying his friend, Isaac, who also had cancer/tumor in his eye. Back to Augustus, or just Gus, he had osteosarcoma or bone cancer which made his one leg was amputated and wore a fake leg. Hazel found him attractive and hot. In a short time they fell in love with each other. I'm not going to write as if it's a review, I've told ya. At least you can still look up on the wikipedia if you find the book interesting.
The book has recommended by my friend. I have downloaded days ago but I have just found a spare time yesterday when I was downloading my favorite tv show. And I'm not in the mood to continue reading or watching conan (I’ll tell you about this later). That's why I think reading it isn't a bad idea besides I was seeking for something to do. You could tell, I end up reading it until the very last line.
What I really thought about is the book talks about death a lot. I can't describe how terrifying to be someone who already know that his/her time will coming soon. But in this book, these people who knows what they fate would be, are casually talking about it like it's not something you should scare about. I understand because they say 'bisa karena biasa' in Bahasa. I'm afraid I would change the meaning if I roughly translate it, but it's kind of like you can get through anything because you already used to it. And I understand they didn't want to be pitied by us eventhough we know that feel sorry and pity is our best way to express the feeling because we don't and cannot know how it feels like. We don't know how to be more sympathy. But they do have life. Like they dont have any chance to fight it. And I believe they want to be treated just like a normal person. Most of the book has revealed how they (people who have disease) feel like. What they really think.
Through this book, I also figured out that most of these people have suffering a lot to fight the pain. We, as people who only know to keep them fighting, to encourage them to survive, and don’t want to lose them, try as best as we can to keep them survive the battle, don’t really know exactly what they feel. But I believe the pain can’t describe by the words. Sometimes, when the pain comes, it’s hard to choose if life is better than death. And I feel bad, really bad, because I have experienced to lost my closest people in my life. I just wanted them to be healthy and to stay longer in this world, but they gone anyway. And I was cried over them like the world’s better end right away, or at least they could take me with them.
You know, people say time heals almost everything, it’s true. Well, when you lose your precious people around you, your world is not end because as time goes by you meet people, or at least you know how to consent it. But there are different pains. The pain that comes from disease not can always heal by time. Disease like cancer, the medicines for many of varies of them haven’t been invented yet. So, the medicine they take may only extend their live, not to heal it. The best way to keep the pain away is only death, when nothing can be felt when your die.
I also have experienced my important people has been gone because some disease that can’t be fully recovered. I still remember when I lost my beloved grandfather. The night before he gone, I was like praying to God if his pain could be taken away. And in the dawn they told us that my grandfather has gone forever. And I was like, why? Did I ask for his healthy? But I was wrong, and God was right. He literally DID what I asked for. I was asking as if He could take the pain away from him. Some people told me that it was the best. That my grandfather had suffered a lot, and it’s better to let him go and be free. He didn’t deserve the pain anymore. So, I thought like he might also want to go all this time. He might survive until that time only because family wanted him to. How he must live with all the pain and doze of medicines every day. It’s just not fair at all. While we feel relieved he still live until now, he thought if he just escaped the pain and be free.
Same story goes to my beloved mom. I’m sure she felt the same way. Although I didn’t understand anything about what happened to my mom at the time because I was just a baby and I can’t even spell the name of the disease, but I know she suffered a lot and now she live free somewhere, in heaven perhaps.
So, i was supposed to talk about the book itself. Well, i think it was good written. And to tell the truth, I love the character of Augustus. Although he was a legless boy, but I could feel his charisma and hotness trough the story LOL. His character may be found in lots of novel but I like how the author made him as a 17th year old boy who smart, has sense of humor, romantic somehow, and also knows how to flirt. And he has charm when he said metamorphose words, like, ‘wow this guy is cool and geniuses’. I think many girls read and love a book because of the man’s character LOL.
About Augustus Wa
ters, he was a boy who fears oblivion. He worried if he will be remembered as someone who had done something heroic, perhaps, when he’s gone. It’s kinda cliché, like who are really care about what people doing after we leave. But, when I think about it, well, everybody should be fear about it. Like, if we are oblivion and nobody has really care if we are gone, whose gonna pray for us? I wonder if nobody has already forgotten about me and they don’t put my name on the list of their prayer anymore, or nobody will come to make a visit of condolence to my grave. And I would like sighing and kinda boring on the sky, waiting for the end of the world and the afterlife without nobody remembers me. How sad.
The main problem of reading this, for me, because I hardly understand about 23% of the story (?), such as name of medicines, disease, and poetry/poems, and sentences of Peter Van Houten (the author of the book which Hazel like so much) that I bet I won’t understand even if it’s written in my language. It was bad because I think these are content lots of information and important words. Or, should I say these were content the whole meaning of the story. What a pity.
Not to spoiler, I’m kinda disappointed about the ending. Because somewhat, well, I can’t tell you but it was quite maddening me. I’m just curious what happen to these people after the book ended. Somewhat, like Hazel curious about what happen to the people in her favorite book after the book ended. Should I send a letter or email to the author just to know what he thinks about what happen after the book? And somehow, he would reply my letter that he can’t tell me unless I go fly all the way to America and tell me in person, so I could dream about him paying my trip LOL ( up till now, you should read the book to understand).
The good news is they make a film adapted from this book and will be premiered on this upcoming June. But the bad news is it is scheduled to be released only in The Netherlands, Australia, and United States.
Nevertheless, I really want to see if the director would be make it just like what reader imagine. Will the movie success to make the audiences shed a tear? Well, actually as we know the story is about sick people and not to spoiler, we must bet this is a sad novel. Personally, I consider it was sad story but we won’t necessary of shed a tear but hold it back. Why? Because the author make it too casual even in a sad situation. Although honestly I still shed tears only because I’m an overly emotional kind of girl. So, I wonder how deep the director could dig our emotion when we watch the movie. And also I have some favorite scene that I really wanted to see in visual.
Last, I think I should end the post in a good way so here I put the trailer of the movie :)
Augustus Waters said this world is a Wish Granting Factory. Do you agree?
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