Guess what?? Today is 24th April, it means I have passed the day that I avoided so much. yep, it was 23rd, the day Justin Bieber was performing and held a concert in my country, Indonesia. Actually I never thought
that I could pass it all the way. I was thinking that I'd be crying like a baby, fainting, screaming as loud as I can, even the worst was suicide myself :O woooppppsss that's a big dangerous decision. but they all were just in my vision lol. Im still alive though.
So, what am I gonna talk is definitely about Justin Bieber. Lemme explain lil bit. He arrived here on Friday after having flight from Malaysia. Of course he's not alone, as usual he bring his crew, bodyguard, manager, and his momma for sure, and his girlfriend too. woooottss, I just mentioned someone controversial eh? yeah, he was here with his lovely girlfriend Selena Gomez. Im dying when I had known that they landed together in Malaysia a day before so I didnt very surprised to know that he bring Selena here too.
Naaahhh, Im not jealousy guys, she's such a nice girl anyway, but I think is it not danger to bring her in tour because there's somebody, ummm I mean, alot of Beliebers are hating on her. eeerrr, that's mean but it is the fact right?
ok, I dont want to comment much about her arrival. At that day (friday) there was alot of Beliebers waiting on the Airport. The news said they were waiting patiently first then it became hotter when Justin's plane almost landed. They must felt so nervous, anxious, worried and tired too so they were becoming wild. They started crying, screaming, running back and forth to see Justin. But how poor, They all were messed up by the team. so in the end thet didnt find Justin at all. Justin was taken to the hotel directly after landed. They say there are 3 hotels that was booked by the promotors to deceive ppl.
The show begin on Satnite, about 7-8 p.m. idk becoz I wasnt there lol. He sang about 11 songs in one half hour. It must be a very memorable, wonderful, amazing night but it wasnt without me lol.
That's all I knew. I still can't believe I was in the same country and town with him but I regret how awful it is when I realized that I couldnt even see his shilouette :'(
I know it was all my fault. I give up from the first time. I said I wouldnt attend his concert though but in the last I started suggest myself that there is always a chance so I tried to stand tall. Searching and seeking every chance I can got as much as I can. I tried some quiz and competition because I think there's no time to save money but I failed them all. And some friends keep on asking me how about ask my daddy to buy the tix. It's a big no no, I dont want to force my daddy to use his money just for my own ego. In the end I just can cried, in many reason I still Never Say Never eventhough just a few time left. I pray to God everyday to get a chance. It helpful u know, Everytime I closer to God, asked him for help, and crying in front of him it's like He lend a shoulder to me, take my hand and said "I'd receive all ur pray. I will make it true, just wait and see. I have a better plan for you. Maybe next time, just keep on praying and do the best. U will get all what u want if u want to be a lil patient."
And of course, I believe Him. He wouldnt leave me alone. I believe I can go to his concert next time. moreover I have enough time to save money, right? thank's God. and the good news I didnt even shed a tear yesterday. Amazingly because all I know is pain a few days lately. I've been crying a whole week and even weeks before the show and I through it all. thank's God, very thankful.
and like people say there always bright side. I didnt go so I didnt feel how worst the traffic is and the crowded OMG! it must be very full with those people. yeah, I was home listening to JB's full album while lying down in bed. it was not very bad to cheer myself up.
But the show is over and Justin with his crew are heading to the next country of My World Tour. bye Justin~~
Thanks for coming here Justin, eventhough I cant see ur concert Live but I wish u want to come here again.
Next time I promise I will attend it. I will buy the tix with my own money and my daddy let me to go too.
lol. miss us Justin, miss Indonesia because we always miss u :)
hey, I got some picts of Justin here.

These all picts are very cool. They were taken when he's arrived at SoeTta Airport, Jakarta. Justin looks so dayum, hot, and attractive. and Selena too, looks so beautiful and naturally. mmmm I wish I was the security lol. How lucky he is :')

These was taken at the hotel I think. wooowww, lucky kids. They all look cute right? but Justin looks exshausted or what. because he looks like not so interistting with the kids. Otherwise Selena seems so warm to the girls. I WANT TO BE THOSE GIRLS OMB!!
ok ok stop me. Im so Hyped.
and yeah, since he's here I noticed that Justin rarely smile. idk it's just my feelings or u feel it too. and also Justin was very protected to Selena. He's like "hey, give a way to my girlfriend." more like Kenny. It's funny when Kenny officially guard him and he's guuard Selena. lol
U have a lil boy bodyguard Selena, lucky you!
and yeah, since he's here I noticed that Justin rarely smile. idk it's just my feelings or u feel it too. and also Justin was very protected to Selena. He's like "hey, give a way to my girlfriend." more like Kenny. It's funny when Kenny officially guard him and he's guuard Selena. lol
U have a lil boy bodyguard Selena, lucky you!

the pict above is Jelena with a singer in Indonesia called Rossa. so envy :'( how lucky she is. She got a pict with em in the backstage after the show I think. Huhuhuuu
And I found a pict. I think this one is soooo epic. checkitdout

OMBOMBOMB Justin's phone background. They are seems a cute couple. It's so mean if some ppl wants them to split up, even if it's a Beliebers. I accept that if it makes Justin happy :')
and this one is Justin tweeted about Indonesia :)
Aftter all I learned something that there always a chance. not now, maybe next time. Just keep trying and praying. Never Say Never though u have failed then stand up again. We can make it true.
Meet Justin, watch his concert, got his sign, be his OLLG, got a pict with him, be his crew, dancer, friend, girlfriend, or even his bride. There's always a chance and never think that's impossible bcoz God told that Nothing is impossible :')
Lol, Justin sang who says. wooott epic. btw, I love this song so much. it such an inspirational song to me. In this song Selena cheers girls and says that we all are beautiful. It's like she says to me " It's ok Risma, u r beautiful though. Its not impossible u can replaced me someday" lol EPICFAIL
yeah Selena, I want ur boyfriend!! wwhhhooopss sorry. I am the open one. I want u Justin, I want ur hugs, i want ur kiss, I want ur everything!! it sounds like bitch, huh?
we are closer to the end of the post, and the last I want to show u the last video. The official video of Who Says. Enjoy :)
I have a god news, the Exam was over *Epic* and since that I dont have any activities. there's no important of school anymore till the graduate. so idk what to do if I still go to school besides chill with my friends. It seems not so interisting because idk, I just want to have my own time alone. Im planning to write a novel maybe. I had have the idea in my mind but idk where it will begin as a story.
Ok, enough for this post. I will post again later. My uncle and auntie are on the way to my house after landed yesterday from Mecca. I gotta hurry up. bye guys~~
have a nice day. GBU ^^