Im two days straight to the National Exam. dont ready yet but the battle ahead. It's probably not easy to faced but Im sure what will happen wont ever beat me. We as a student has spent 3 years to study eventhough we arent smart enough to take the exam but at least we fight with the subject we dont into and we still be positive to face it well.
ok, so far I don't get what to tell but Im confusion about everything lately. First, about the exam, it will be held 4 days. Perhaps, they will be the hardest days of my life. Im scared of it but I have to fight with it though. idk though I have studied about 3 years in high school but Im not good at many subject especially exact, I told you -,-
being a science's student is not easy to me although I take the risk.
And the second is all about Bieber's concert. Just a week till his first landed here but I still don't have the tix to go to his concert. It seems not important at all compared to the national exam but I still worry it. I just can't take it, being his fan since last year, do everything to buy his stuff seems not enough to get a chance to meet him. Sure I have done any effort but at last God decided. I prepare myself to receive God's decision eventhough I don't ready yet.
After so many problem I got right now, I just gone back to the lasts memory, when I was child, when I have nothing to figured out, when I had never got too much problem like this.
I really miss . . .
being a child
being a lil girl
being so innocent
being immature
being loved
being careless
crying with no doubt
didn't have to be perfect
didn't get any trouble
didn't need to choose
didn't have to study hard to pass the test
didn't know the guy who sings "baby"
never ashamed to cry
never had a crush
never fell in love
never broken heart
never fallen apart
never had a secret
had no offense
not be blamed about myself mistake
having someone who caught all the tears
having someone who always lend a shoulder
having someone who give anything I wanted
I miss those kid stuff, I hate to be perfect all the time, being so good at anything, blame to all mistake I had done whereas everybody has their mistake, to know the fake one, to hurt everyday, to hide the pain, try and try again to stand up then fall again, have to be responsible, I hate to do this all alone. That's why Im scared to be grown up. It means I'd take the risk of life alone. No one will cares because they had their own life too.
Im not desperate, I just need someone to talk, to share with.

oohh, ok, if I stay longer here it seems I would turn to be a Drama Queen Lol
at the end I think there's no need to regret. God created us to be somebody. Im sure if thankful to everything he gave I will bless. Someday the dreams I dream will become true. No one can beat me. Trust it because nothing is impossible.

Hahhahha. seems Im a moody person. I can be very bad mood then be good at the same time.
Last but no least dont forget to pray for me. I need yall to encourage me and told me that I can do it :)
byee guys, I gotta take a shower then go to school. Today is the last day of school before the exam. muaacchhh :* :* ILY
have a nice day ^_^ GBU
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