Today, 09:10 p.m on 11th April, straight a week till the national exam I decided to blogging again.
I dunno it seems I no worried at all about the exam I'd take a week later. I swear I remember it everyday, I even try to planning on study all this week but it so hard to do then lol.So, from 18 - 21 I will take my exam. The worst 4 days ever. On the first day I will face Bahasa's exam and Biology *uurrgghh, it seems not good. Then the next day it will be Math. On the third days there's two subject again, English and Chemistry. And the last day is Physics. I'm too scared of those exact subject. I dont even think I would probably face them all. Actually I dont ready yet but I stiil be a stubborn kid. Not even going to take some study instead of going on blogging lol.
and Im gonna told you that I hate next whole week. The exam maybe last in 4 days but my bad lucky is all over the week. it's because on Saturday, 23th, that will be the date that Justin Bieber's concert in Indonesia. The date he will landed here for the first time. The day that I waited for in my entire life. So sad to realize that I probably wouldnt see him around :'(
For the first time I've been sucked by myself. I dont know what to do. I dont think it will be so soon. I think he will come at least next year not this year. I regreted it I didnt saved enough money to buy the tix, even the cheapest one :'(
Nooo, dont force me, I might start crying just now.
I never say never though. I try my best. I done what can I do as possible as I can. I join some competition from sponsors even I didnt win it. I tried as much as I can. Taking some quizes everyday even I know Im in the low rank. Poor I am. up till now, I dont know what will I do on next Saturday. I dont wanna stay at my room, crying like a baby. but I dont have any idea to cheers myself.
ok, so I end up with this topic. Just remember this isnt I supposed to write at all at the first time :D
In fact all I wanna do is show yall some picts of me in order to join the competition. Me and my sister *thanks for helping me sist :) worked hard to arrange the Bieber's stuff. We had some arguments about 'where is this going to put?' 'does this poster sattisfied taped here?' and 'which angle is the best one?'
I against her all the time but she always win it because she threaten me if i wont take her decision she wont help me to prepare the things. how mean you are sissy :(
but after all the fight we did it. We did some good picts :)
anyway, sissy took all the picts. here they are . . .
I gotta mention yall my face was really sucks. After working hard and thru all those unimportant fight with my sissy I was very exhausted so I definitely forced to smile. It's not compared to the situation that I should look really happy. lol.
and I added some more picts.
These picts were requested by my sister. She asked me to take some more picts with the computer's background. I refused her because it's all too much besides I was very tired to look good again. But my sister forced me to do that then we started fighting again. Of course the fight was ended by her was coming out as the winner. yeah, she all the way always win *sigh*.
Finally I did it again, and my face once again looks sucker than before. It's like awajghjewahjjgjwaegjhhjjhgkkja :0 lol.
Before upload it I had to edit them. and thanks again to my sister who edited the picts :*
Here they go . . .

That's them all, and finally we got them all in one. Here it is, the pict was gonna upload that had been done after taking hours to edited them.

Even I failed the contest but there's no regret at all. Doing this makes me realized my Bieber's stuff are kinda very much. I was like 'Wooow, did I buy them all on my own money? How can I bring them all home? Can I buy the tix concert if I sold them all?' Lol. Funny to know that I really obsessed with this guy. Over a year Im kinda addicted with him and I dont remember how much money I spent to buy his stuff. After all what I did is amazing,, he gotta know this :')
Ok, enough for this post. I dont know yet will I attend the concert or not but Im still wishing. Please God, give me a chance. Gonna try till the end. Never Say Never.

jeah jeah, I will definitely make it true because he always encourage me to Believe In Everything Because Everything's Reachable and Never Say Never :D *swag*
Before saying goodbye I wanna show you a really touching pict for me. My besties draw it. check it out!

the second pict is the pict wich was editeed with our name on it. This pict will be memorable ever :'(
Thank yall for reading another awful post of mine. GBU ^^
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