kembali lagi. setelah ulangan mid semester kemarin dan liburan yang (tidak) menyenangkan finally aku posting lagi haha :D
sebenarnya aku nggak bener2 hilang dari dunia per-blog-an bikin istilah ngawur
karena kemaren habis beberes blog yang berantakan. Gimana sekarang tampilan blog-ku? menarik bukan? hoho *apanya sihh. nggak ada yang beda tau riez!! it still look like a mess*
ngomong-ngomong I will get enough for holiday in a few weeks later. thanks for the national exams. they say it will be in a week. exactly 5 days. yeah 5 days at home and can't do anything. I can imagine it. I think long holiday is the worst thing I can imagined. I mean no one can survive without allowance. you got it. I love holiday but not that long. It's like killing me inside without pin money in your days.
furthermore I don't want to stay at home all days. what all I can do at home is O.N.L.I.N.E
sometimes internet could be not so interesting thing. and the last but no least is you will miss your time laughing with your friends. it's important for me
It'll be a pathetic holiday.
oia, kalian pasti bingung karena nii postingan kagak nyambung sama judulnya.
*maaf ya yang itu tadi curhat colongan :P*
sebenernya aku mau ngebahas something that I found in twitter.
pas lagi nge-cek twitter orang aku liat retweet dari Christian Beadles
ada #Twitition dari seorang BieberBlast yaitu Stephanie Devereaux
dia nulis surat buat JB di Twititionnya yang judulnya My Letter to Justin Bieber
I've never wrote anybody a fan letter.. so i'm quite new to this. This is going to be long- but an inspirtational letter to my biggest idol and friend. I don't like you because of what you do or because of your fame. I like you for who you are as a person, your inspiring music & telling us to never give up on our dreams. For you to see this, It would mean the absolute world, but I have no expectations, I'm very understanding. But I hope you know, It would certainly put the biggest smile on someone who is very deserving of one! I've been watching your videos on youtube before you were famous. Since 2007, please don't forget us. I believe it was the Stratford film festival, a few years back where I seen you jamming in your hometown of Stratford Ontario outside a theater. I always thought you were very talented and well on your road to fame. I'm glad to see you follow your dreams.. Future wise, I want to be a pediatric nurse without borders, so I can travel the world and help children everywhere. I am doing everything I can to make another dream of mine come true. I want to attend one of your concerts. I know you're busy. But I am hoping you come down to Canada again real soon. You know I live in Corunna Ontario, which is 15mins south of Sarnia (or 1 hour away from London Ontario & 2 hours from Stratford). For those who don't know me I am in grade eleven and I am still in high school. I'd like to see you AGAIN someday, I think you're very inspiring and I'm so glad someone from around where I live was able to become famous. I live in a town of 6000 people which is basically unheard of. I'm glad we have another young talented Canadian artist. Race, religion, gender, age; none of that matters; you're living your own dream! (I am also a Christian) I really don't care what people say about you. I know all of my friends like you and your music. I have heard some nasty comments about you on youtube. But you know what, I really don't understand how people can say such rude and immature things about someone who is extreamly talented.. especially the fact they don't personally know you so how can the judge you? I've been throug a whole lot. Two years my father was diagnosed with Melanoma.. a deadly skin cancer. He's still here and is doing so much better!! He just got a tumor removed from his knee a little while ago. I've suffered from a disease when I was 12 yrs old, hospitalized for two weeks. Because of this, I'm medicated probably the rest of my life.. next, my grandfather is an alcoholic.. i'm so close to him,but he has such a big problem with this. You see, my brother is 13 and I am 16. My parents don't let us stay home alone when they go away for March Break.. My grandparents are staying with us, and that basically leaves me incharge of my brother since my grandfather drinks, and my grandmother always argues with him. But enough about me, I'd like to focus on how fantastic you're doing. I've been trying hard and I left you a few messages. You finally followed me on twitter. After months of trying you finally noticed me. I wouldn't ever spam you, so one tweet was enough for me :) I'd love to recieve a DM from you, or reply back I understand you recieve so many a day you probably don't see them. I won't giveup though, because I know that's something you don't believe in. I've bought everyone on itunes so far, I've bought cds, which unfortunatly I never won.. no surprise there. But Congratulations on everything and much love and respect goes out from me to you. I hope to see you again and I know that probably won't ever happen because you're so busy.. But I've been trying.. You have a concert March 25 in Chicago. It's a six hour drive and my parents are unable to take the time of work to take me. I had saved up so much money to meet you. You're meet and greet in Chicago was $1800 per ticket and I wanted to take my best friend Mykala Mccabe. On top of the $1800 I was willing to spend.. We'd have to have my parents drive us down, and we'd have to pay for a hotel. And I simply don't have enough saved up right now. My idea was to drop the hotel expenses and fly there. It was almost $300 a person to go there and back. Meaning I spent over $2000 for an amazing night. My mom said that she doesn't want me and my friend to go to Chicago by ourselves.. we'd also need transportation from the concert to the airport and vice versa. You're my inspiration, you have gotten so far and you didn't even do it purposely, you just wanted you family to be able to see you sing. If there's any singer I know, you're the one that deserves everything you get the most. I watched a repeat of your much music preformance last night, and I was in tears when "one less lonely girl" came on, knowing my dreams of seeing you again were crushed. My mom tried to make me feel better by saying "if you saw him, he'd never remember you anyways, he meets people at every concert.. so you'd spend all that money and he wouldn't even remember you existed" She ended up making everything worse. I saved up so much money just to meet you and now I wanted to do one thing for myself, I put others before myself always. I'm a loving and giving girl, and I'm the kindest, most gentilist girl one could every meet. I want to be a pediatrician so I can take care of children in other countries. Haiti is where I'd love to be right now, fixing things and making people feel better. I am in grade 11, I'm sixteen years old. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and I'm only 5'2. I'm very athletic, I love hockey, baseball, and gymnastics & of course, swimming~ I have an amazing smile and a lot of friends. I love to make people laugh haha seeing people smile makes my day! Nothing better then having a class full of people smiling because one joke made a difference!! :) I'm so down to earth. But, The only thing I ever asked for was to hangout with you, and I can't. That's all I wanted and all I ever asked for. It's okay, I know there's nothing you can do. Although I'm a fan of you and your music.. I think you're a cool person besides all the fame and fortune. *** I also have one question: Do you think some girls only go crazy for you because you're famous? I mean it must be hard to try and find a girlfriend now that you've become famous. I know what you want is someone that loves you for your personality.. not just because your famous and I can understand why people struggle. I assume this is why its usually celebrities that are together we seen in the media, because they both know what it's like to be famous, and since they both are.. everything else is based on personality.. I can understand why this happens, althought I'm just curious:) Lastly, What I find most upsetting is, you're from Ontario but you rarely come around. Especially in our area. Oh but hey, you were supporting pencilsforpromis, & guess what? I had just finished helping my school raise money for Haiti.. In just one day we reached a tremendous amount of $1500.00. That is fantastic of a school with nearly 800 students!! I believe that Haiti will become more then a developing country someday with everyone's support. So far they have 57 million dollars on the way to help.. with much more to come! Please name your price. When ever you come around Sarnia, London, Stratford, Toronto Ontario.. please notify me, and I promise I'll do my best to make it..! Thank you so much for taking your time to read this. I't means to much, and just a simple reply would put a smile on my face! Thank you, and goodluck with My World Part 2! &Thank you so much for being yourself.. Usher is a great guy and he's doing a great job! I hope to be able to attend one of your concerts. Love always. Ps: Ryan Butler is an amazing guy, he followed me on twitter, dm me several times and now we've started talking on skype. And Caitlin, she's the sweetest person I've ever met. I am friends with @davidschwitzer and he met you at popcon. He had told Caitlin to call me... Sure enough they three way called me.. last monday. Actually it was more of a prank call haha:) But it did put a smile on my face.. You have amazing friends, and you're truly blessed. Godbless you, & I hope you had and amazing sweet sixteenth! You deserve everything you get buddy!! Remember, I'm less then two hours from Stratford ON.. come find me!! haah jk. I want you to know I have never given any of your personal info out.. That would be betraying your trust and that's not something I believe in. Much Love forever, Your friend, Stephanie Lynn Devereaux xoxox Ps: ;) You should tweet me if you see this so I know that you saw it. Thank u for everything, & good luck in the future. I'll always be a supporter. ♥ xoxo Loovve yah Biebzzzzzz
huhu what a sweet letter. so tau. emang ngerti gitu bahasanya?
he must read this. buat aku walaupun surat ini agak bikin ngiri she said: I'd like to see you AGAIN someday tapi surat ini mawakili semua perasaan BieberBlast/Beliebers/Bieberfever whatever dehh pokoknya. selain dia pasti banyak banget yang pengen ketemu JB langsung dan nonton konsernya *termasuk aku :'( * dan semua perjuangan yang dilakukan fans. banyak banget hal yang dipaksain biar bisa ketemu langsung sama idolanya *aku juga. harus ngumpulin duit buat beli cd My World 2.0. 5 more days but I don't have enough money right now. still saved up. Semangadh!!*
oia, aku juga baru sadar kalo mungkin nggak sih selama ini kita mengidolakan seseorang karena ketenarannya?? waktu aku inget2 lagi apa sih yang bikin aku tergila2 sama cowok yang 3 months younger than me ini. dan aku bersyukur sepertinya bukan karena ketenarannya tapi karena talenta bermusiknya yang oke punya.
oke gue emang sok tahu :P tapi beneran deh, awalnya aku baca request-an seseorang di majalah. dia minta muatin artikel about Justin Bieber. awalnya aku kira dia pemain film hehe.
trus pas lagi nggak ada kerjaan iseng aja donlot single dia yang "One Time" dan baca2 sedikit profilnya. Saat itu aku yakin belum naksir dia.
Lanjut. aku dengerin lagunya dan waaww suaranya keren banget. aku dengerin tu lagu berulang-ulang. dari situ aku jadi penasaran siapa sih dia sebenernya. dan ternyata dia cuma seorang Lucky Boy who comes from a small town in Canada. posted his video on YouTube and he become a teen idol now.
wahwah betapa beruntungnya orang ini. yeah, now I'm a biggest fan of him. Impian gue bisa ketemu ama dia aja udah syukur *plus tanda tangan dan kiss upon my cheek haha*
kidding but I'm pretty sure. need no more. nggak perlu lah jadi cewek apalagi calon istrinya. tapi kalo jodoh sih bulehbuleh. jadi temennya juga menyenangkan *ngelunjak nihh ceritanya* I bet he's humble and funny.
still dream it everynight and prey for it.
eniwei, di surat tadi Stephanie Devereaux bilang kalo dia pernah nangis waktu denger JB nyanyi lagu One Less Lonely Girl. yaya, lagu ini memang menyentuh banget buat cewek2 yang menjomblo like me :P . aku sudah jomblo 16 tahun T_T dan nggak pacaran sampe diijinin bokap merit ama Justin haha and honestly I cried too but the most beautiful song I've ever heard is Common Denominator I cried about 3 times when I heard the song. idk but the song touched my heart at the first time. like he is so close so real for me.
Lebay Mode: max
sayang di dalam CD
sudah deh. lelah mengetik. belum mandi dan harus nonton hannah montana nihh.
best regards,

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