I'm gonna list them down. check it out

Place Date of Birth: Banjarmasin. march 12, 1992
Status: My big sist
Age: 18 y.o
Occupation: College student

2.Name: Raisya Putri
Place Date of Birth: Bogor. march 01, 2008
Status: My little sist
Age: 2 y.o
Occupation: -
Place Date of Birth: Banjarmasin. march 07, 2000
Status: My little cousin
Age: 10 y.o
Occupation: 4th grade student
and the last but no least.

3.Name: Justin Drew Bieber (Justin Bieber)
Place Date of Birth: Stratford, Ontario, Canada. march 01, 1994
Status: My future boyfriend *haha yess I wish Amiiiiiin.
Age: 16 y.o yess!!! finally we have the same age
Occupation: R&B/Pop singer
Happy birthday to you all. wish u all the best.
my prayers are always with you.
don't forget to treat me guys!!!!
best regards,

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